Simple Steps to Stop Oily Skin

Break Up with Oily Skin for Good

Real talk: Oily skin is annoying. If you have it like I do, you know the struggle. It’s my biggest skin insecurity and, sometimes, it’s the first thing I notice in a mirror.

If you’re fed up with oily skin, you could get a laser treatment or chemical peel, but medical spa remedies may not be your answer. The look of oily skin can be conquered by refocusing your skincare regimen with some simple steps.

Purify with an Oil Absorbing Cleanser

Gone are the days on one-fits-all face cleansers (Praises!). So many brands are offering face washes with oily skin formulas. These cleansers have stronger ingredients to fight oil build up in your pores. Try switching to an oily skin cleanser and give your skin time to adapt. If you’re noticing irritation, try cleansing your face with your hands instead of a wash cloth, and dial back the water from hot to warm.

Balance It Out with Toner

Please, put down the astringent and lock it away in the medicine cabinet. I know oily skin can be infuriating and you think it needs to be dried up with aggressive astringents, but over-drying your skin can have unsightly side effects. Dehydrated skin will look flaky, red, even oilier than before. And, most importantly, it’s unhealthy.

To help with your shiny situation, you need a quality toner to rebalance your skin and calm down the visible oil production. Toner will restore your skin’s natural moisture and balance out your pH levels. According to an article by Ask the Scientists, when your skin is properly cleansed and balanced, your cells can absorb the treatments that follow.

Lighten Up on Creamy Moisturizers

Those of us cursed with overproducing oil glands might look at moisturizer one of two ways. One, never use it. Moisture causes oil and oil causes unflattering skin. The result: Dry, flaky, dull skin that’s screaming for its moisture back. Or two, we know our skin is dried out from extreme methods of drying up the oil, so we lather on thick, creamy moisturizer and night creams. The result: We still have oily skin and feel defeated.

Your skin needs moisture to have a healthy glow and function properly. Give it what it wants, just try lotion instead of cream. Find a lotion-based moisturizer for your oily face. Better yet, find one with SPF protection. If you like using regular sunscreen on your face instead, make sure your brand of choice is oil free.

Oil production fluctuates by hormones, mood, even the weather. Oil isn’t just a total skin villain though, it’s also your skin’s natural anti-aging mechanism. So, we don’t want to totally eradicate it from our skin.

Tips From an Oily Face:

Aside from updating my skincare regimen, I’ve discovered these tips to help keep me glowy, not oily.

  • Hands Off

Picking at blemishes, pushing on blackheads, and pinching your face just makes it look angry. Your hands come in contact with a lot during the day. From keyboards to coffee cups, door handles, and strangers’ pens, there are plenty of germs and grime all over your fingers. If you’re constantly touching your face, all that dirt is transferred to your pretty pores.

• Eating Healthy Fats

Eating greasy foods and eating foods with healthy fats and oils are two distinct food groups. Your skin needs healthy oils like the Omega3 in salmon, virgin olive oil, avocado, or grapeseed oil. Try focusing on adding these to your diet to see the difference it makes.

• Pick Up Some Blotting Papers

Midday shine or sweat glisten can be aggravating. Purchase a pack of blotting papers and tuck them in your pocket, keep them in your desk at work, or slide them into your purse. Ladies, put down the powder every time you get a little shiny. Makeup can clog your pores more, causing your skin to produce more oil. So counterproductive.

Conquer Oily Complexions

Know you’re not alone in the fight against oily skin. There are plenty of tips, tricks, and products available to help fight the shiny nemeses. Celavive® can transform your oil slick complexion to something smooth and vibrant. See for yourself how this brand is going beyond what you see in skincare.

Take up the fight and face the day with a glowing complexion, less oil, and more confidence.
